About Us

Dopatonin first started as an idea. One sleepless night, the idea came to life. Dopamine supports the reward and motivation center of the brain. Serotonin can help increase happiness. Many individuals struggle with their mental health daily. Working in the mental health field got my brain rolling. How can I make a difference and include others in this journey? Well, looking at our site is how! Clothing that opens a conversation, includes kids in design, and hopefully puts a smile on your face. I wanted to bring in the aspects of Minnesota, that we love. That was the premise of Dopatonin. Each piece is designed with the thought of mental health being involved, happiness, inclusion, and conversation. Show others how you Dopa! (Find your happiness)

Our logo also has a story. The Unalome is both a Buddhist and a Hindu symbol. It represents the path to freedom. We wanted to put our own spin on it. It represents YOUR path in life. The spiral represents the direction in life. Sometimes it is up and sometimes it is down. Eventually, it starts to feel less like chaos (The swirl). Then comes the straight line. This is when your thoughts are no longer taking over. Your path is visible and not going in many different directions. The dots are made of a chemical compound symbol. Our representation of Dopamine and Serotonin. You will also see the version of a semi colon. A semi colon is "typically" used by authors who chose not to end their sentence. In our logo it represents the "pause" we sometimes need in life. Sometimes, life can look dark and dreary. Take the time to pause and stay with us. 

We would also like to donate 10% of the proceeds to our local children/teens. We understand that times can be challenging. The individuals in our area may need help to afford things such as: blankets, driver's licenses, sporting activities, lunches, and so on. We want to take the money and provide it to the kids/teens in our area and give them an opportunity they might not have due to financial strain. We also understand the importance of mental health. If we as a business can donate and increase mental health for kids/teens, why wouldn't we?!

Thank you for taking the time to read. If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, reach out to someone.